

"INCRM" is the brand offering the designs inspired by mode and subculture from California and from all over the world, and come with functionality, practicality and relaxed feel. It does not go against or is not influenced by the standard which changes with the times. What it means is that it keeps making its own incremental changes and does not stay within a part of the mainstream. Its creation is filled with conveying how we feel naturally and making use of the characteristics of environmental-friendly materials. We continue to offer you the wardrobe which pursues essential luxury.

日々変化する時代のスタンダードに抗わず(Increment)、流されず(Not a Subset)、先進的な技術を独自の視点で解釈する「INCRM」は、“デジタル”と“サステイナブル(持続可能)”をコンセプトに掲げ、新感覚なテクノロジーをファッションへ昇華していくブランドです。